“Ball is in their court now!”

7 December 2016 12:00 am


The former strongman made yet another visit to the land of the dragon recently. 


Meanwhile, the Number One here dropped a bombshell saying that a hefty loan running into several billions for the Nilwala project received from ‘dragons’ on the eve of last big poll had vanished into thin air!

Soon after this sensational announcement by the Number One here, the former strongman, who was still a guest of the ‘dragons’ received a stream of calls inquiring what had really happened to the big money. Some had asked him whether the money had got dissolved in Nilwala waters. 

The former strongman had asked all these agitated callers to direct their inquiries to two senior purohitas in yahapalanaya who, he said, were responsible for handling the hefty loan at the time it was received: one of them was the roly-poly one from Badulla who was in charge of the irrigation subject and the other one of ‘Appochchi Mala’ fame from Moneragala.