An unholy alliance

7 February 2018 09:48 am


The JO was vociferous in demanding a debate on the PCoI report. The Betel leaf stalwarts were equally strident in their cry out for the debate. Now both the bond report and the financial crimes report are before the Diyawanna council. 


Meanwhile, Number One revealed at an election rally about a secret powwow held with a view to getting the debate postponed. 

Number One also referred to a duo that figured in the powwow held in the Borella area.

Following this revelation coming from the highest in the power echelons, the inquisitive ones started inquiries to identify the unnamed duo and they had come up with the goods!

One of them was a big brain behind the Pohottuwa and the other a onetime Green highflyer whose wings have been clipped now, they say.