An epilogue to a tragi-comic story!

7 December 2016 12:00 am


How a bigwig in uniform drew attention on his department and on himself when he assured a high political authority that he would not allow the arrest of a certain bad guy is now public knowledge.


The uniformed bigwig gave this assurance over the phone in response to a call he received at an event of historical significance to his department held in the city of gems. And the general opinion is this fact – the significance of the occasion - adds gravity to the indiscretion committed by him. 

Funny enough, our man was unaware that the media microphones set nearby could pick up whatever he said over his mobile! 

There is another piece of news relevant to this story which adds insult to the injury already caused by this bigwig: It was the bad guy in question who hosted the bigwig to a sumptuous lunch when the latter participated in a celebration held in down south to mark the same historical event! 

The bigwig who had attended this celebration as the chief guest had addressed the gathering from a podium erected near a bridge, which led to a road closure to much inconvenience to the road users, they say.