An echo of failed talks down the corridor

20 December 2017 09:35 am


A rumour that went viral in the recent past said that the political scion from Giruwapattu and the JO stalwart from the Gampaha political and willow wielding family were responsible for scuttling the efforts to unify the two factions of the Blue party. 


The Wayamba sporty one who was among those eagerly looking forward to the success of peace talks began blaming in public the young man from Giruwapattu and his senior colleague from Gampaha for being villains of the peace. 

While this blame game was going high, the young scion and the sporty one met face to face on a council corridor the other day. The sporty one brought up the controversial issue straightaway. “Why are you against the unification?”  

“How is that you forgot all about the need to keep the party intact at the time they were whacking us left and right?” the young scion shot back. 

Then the sporty one began a lecture on the virtues of the party unity, the young man however, waving away what the sporty one started telling said: “Now stop all that palaver! If you have nothing else to talk about, let us depart!”  

Their encounter ended on this discordant note!