After all he was up on his feet to join the cheer

11 May 2016 12:00 am


There is a roly-poly purohita holding high office in his political party.  He was seated next to the Big Boss of the party at their recent May Day rally.


The proceedings of the rally were underway and several purohitas one by one presented resolutions to be adopted at the rally.  Then it was the turn of the chair to call upon those in favour of the resolutions to indicate their approval by raising their hands. The bigwigs on the stage as well as the enthusiastic crowds immediately hailed the resolutions by a show of raised hands.  However, the senior roly-poly purohita failed to raise his hand to show his approval. Those inquisitive who took a close look-see at the purohita found to their amazement, the poor fellow was fast asleep. 

When the chair announced that the resolutions were duly adopted, the crowds cried out: “Jayawewa!” The sudden ear-splitting din roused up the purohita from his deep slumber.  He groggily stood up and shouted: “Jayawewa!” However, it was obvious that he did not know why he was joining the cheer going up from the crowd.