Adjusting to the way the wind is blowing

21 February 2018 09:54 am


The former strongman, overjoyed at the poll results, was having a well-earned rest at his official residence when he got a telephone call. 


A familiar voice that greeted him was hailing his success at the polls. “Sir, I hope you can recognize my voice… You are the only person who can save us and our party…” the person at the other end was saying in a pathetic tone.

By now, the former strongman had made out the caller as a politico hailing from the central hills who served as a purohita in his regime as well. The former strongman gave an attentive ear, eager to know what his erstwhile colleague wanted to say. 

It was an earnest appeal to him to take over the entire Blue party under his protective wing! 
The former strongman ended the call saying, “Let us meet soon for a chat about it!”

Later the former strongman apprised the Pohottuwa loyalists of the overture made by the senior one from the central hills. They were unanimous in their instant reaction. “Give the fellow a wide berth!”
They reminded the former boss how their former colleague had been castigating him at the recent poll meetings.

However, the Pohottuwa crowd after a lengthy discussion had asked their boss to have a chat with the man just to find out what the game he was up to, they say.