A vote with a price-tag

4 October 2017 10:30 am


Tensions ran very high in the Diyawanna council on the day the much talked about 20th Amendment was due to be put to vote.


Some minor political party were trying their best to take advantage of the heat generated over the amendment to bake the roti of their choice. 

The most conspicuous among those in a race to strike a last minute bargain was the ‘tie-coat’ one from Mannar area commanding a following of five to six Diyawanna members, they say.

It was the doctor hated by some doctors who saved the situation at the eleventh hour, they say.
The controversial doctor had done much coaxing, cajoling and even threatening to win over some bargaining ones.

 Finally, all bargain hunters had agreed to vote for the amendment, but on their own terms, they say.