A picnic that went a begging!

27 December 2016 08:59 am

This department in an august assembly is responsible for bringing out in print every audible word uttered during the sessions of the assembly. 

The high-up heading the administration of this assembly had recently provided a bus for free for the employees of the aforesaid department to go on a picnic.

However, all employees had rejected the free bus ride just to spite the boss they disliked.

Informed there were no takers for the free offer, an affronted high-up had told his aides: “If there is at least one person willing to go on the picnic, take in some village people as well and proceed on the trip. It does not matter even if you don’t proceed on the picnic in which case, you may park the bus in the village till about 6 in the evening before you bring it back here!”