Well-wishers to buy vehicles for his escort fleet

8 April 2015 06:16 am

A security chief once close to the former strongman has turned spiteful to him now, they say. Under the new administration, an adequate security detail has been assigned to the former strongman, but part of the fleet of vehicles was withdrawn. And as a result, some of the security guards are compelled to find other means of transport when the need arises for them to escort the former strongman.

Given this problem, the present security chief of the former strongman made a plea to his predecessor now elevated to a higher position to assign a few more vehicles for the transport of the security detail led by him.   

“No more vehicles to escort your boss. You had better manage with the vehicles already available,” was the security high up’s curt reply.

Later at a reception accorded to him at a Buddhist temple in the city, the former strongman told a sympathetic audience that some of his security men were compelled to travel by train and bus for want of vehicles. A report says that some well-wishers on this occasion decided to buy a few vehicles to beef up the escort fleet of the former strongman.