, helps Sri Lankans to maximize their Money

27 February 2017 01:24 pm

Allows to compare financial product information and empowers to make smarter financial decisions

Colombo, Sri LanPersonal Finance Assistant start-up Moneta seeks to help Sri Lankan Customers make smarter financial decisions to maximize their money by comparing and aggregating financial products information on a single digital platform. 

Financial Products information such as Savings Accounts, Fixed Accounts, Credit Cards,  Loans, Insurance and Lease information are scattered in multiple channels. Customers does not have a proper mechanism to compare the products to make a smart decision. providing a streamlined mechanism to Sri Lankans by aggregating and consolidating financial product information. The platform aims to provide the right tools for people to find what products suit their needs the best. Importantly, eliminating the difficulties in understanding the confusing financial jargons by providing an easy to understand comparison tool to everyone for FREE.

Founded in January 2017, currently provides users with a platform where they can access simplified financial advices, as well as compare benefits and features of credit cards and personal loans.



Commenting on the launch of,  Shayanth co-founder said “We're not a Financial Institute, we are an independent entity to make the Sri Lankans life easy by proving easy-to-use financial comparison tools for free and we try to include the most comprehensive online database of financial products for free”. Further “We started financial related content based Learning Center in online because we wanted to help our customers to make smarter financial decision to maximize their money” emphasised by Irfan, co-founder of

In addition to its comparison tools, runs a popular content-based Learning Center  that features posts such as "5 Tips to Plan a Budget Weekend Trip in Sri Lanka", "How Commercial Bank Calculates Finance Charges for Credit Cards" or even "Follow This Steps When You Can’t Pay Off Your Monthly Minimum Balance."

Within a month, the platform draws some 10,000 page views with nearly 4,000 unique visitors, shows the strong demand for a comprehensive platform where people can look for and compare financial products that meet their individual needs. also seeks to include Housing Loan, Insurances and Lease comparison tools in coming months.