CCI – HWK enter into agreement to improve vocational training in construction sector

27 April 2023 01:10 am


The Chamber of Construction Industry of Sri Lanka and the Chamber of Skilled Grafts of Frankfort- Rhein and Main entered into a partnership project for the improvement of vocational training particularly in the construction sector. 

The signing ceremony took place at Cinnamon Red Hotel April 24th. The project will target vocational training instructors both in the public and private sectors to include both vocational teachers and in-company trainers. In addition, the German Skills Council is keen to foster green economy trades such as solar and renewable energy fields.  A workshop with participation from the Tertiary Vocational Education Commission, the training authorities such as VTA, NAITA, DTET and others such as GIZ and MAG participated in a fruitful workshop. The project is to begin with training of trainers in selected trades for an output of at least 50 trainers end of year 2025.