Women most important element- Ranjan

5 March 2013 08:03 pm

By Dianne Silva

In the Third instalment focusing on the Rights of Women; UNP MP Ranjan Ramanayaka an advocate of the Rights of Women working in the Middle East speaks to the Daily Mirror.

Q:How aware are women of their economic rights in the home and work place?

My perception of women changed entirely when I read a book by the renowned spiritual teacher Osho’s meditation on women. He says, despite the arrogance of a man, he has at the very beginning of his life had to submit to a woman and be nourished and protected by a woman’s womb. As a man grows he is dependent on the milk of his mother and is further subjected to her protection. When I read this I began to realise what a shame it is that we have not protected and respected our women more.  Men are completely wrong in the way they have treated women as inferior human beings, when in reality women are the most important element of the universe.
Our men have become inhumane pimps, who send their women to work overseas and bring home money. This is a very sad situation and we need to rectify it immediately. Therefore I think that awareness on the proper respect that women should be given needs to start from the side of men.
We need to protect our women and not send them out for economic gain whether in this country or in another country. The awareness campaign must come from the side of men.

Q: There is still a perception that women belong to the home or engage in careers related to childcare or domestic duties, what is your opinion on this and how can there be a change in perception regarding this stereotype?

When working in the corporate sector women are not given enough respect. In order for them to succeed they have to sell themselves and bootlick themselves to the top. It is not about merit but about whose favourite they are.
Women are used in advertisements and the like and they are treated like commodities. We need to change this and respect the women, regardless of what type of career they have chosen. Women are capable of doing anything and men need to recognise this fact.  Even in the animal kingdom we see that elephants and lions, some of the most powerful animals, have their female partners take care of their families. They not only find food and nurture they also protect and do the task of the male when they are in the wild.
I feel women need to be involved in politics, which is a good starting point. I read that Sri Lanka has the lowest representation in the world in female parliamentarians. Even Saudi Arabia has about 35 per-cent of women in leadership roles.

Q:Has the government done enough to safeguard women who have gone overseas to work as domestic aides?

The government is trying to increase the remittances earned from 6 Billion USD to 10 Billion and this is a really sad situation. I don’t know how they are going to do this. If you look at countries like India and Bangladesh they have decided, even if they don’t have any options, it is better to keep their women at home, instead of sending them to Saudi Arabia. These countries recognise that the money they earn from working in the Middle East is not worth the suffering that their women have to endure. I think we need to adopt this same principle and keep our women safe.