Significance of Bak Full Moon Poya Day Buddha’s Second visit to Lanka

11 April 2014 07:21 pm

Five years after the Enlightenment Gautama Buddha visited Sri Lanka for the second occasion. The objective of this visit was to convince the rulers of Lanka- Naga Kings and their followers that hatred is not appeased by hatred but by non-hatred. Naga kings

The Enlightened One gave them the gem studded throne which had been offered to Him by the Nagas themselves. Buddha sat on the gem studded throne and preached Dharma again

Chulodara and Mahodara were in dispute over a gem studded throne. Mahodara was Chulodara’s uncle.  Chulodara was the son of Mahodara’s sister. Her husband was the ruler of the central hills of Sri Lanka. Mahodara was the ruler of maritime areas- Nagadeepa- Nakativ. Mahodara’s father owned a gem studded throne and on his death bed he had given it to his grandson, Chulodara.  Mahodara was not happy about it. He was anxious to own that throne by any means. Chulodara did not want to disown it. Both parties were equally strong.  They were constantly struggling and the combat was likely to be developed to a deadly war bringing disaster to both sides.

Buddha’s mission of peace
Gautama Buddha who was sojourning in Seweth Nuwara, Devram Vehera saw the impending danger with His divine eyes and decided to settle the dispute. Both Naga Kings were up in arms with their followers and the Enlightened One appeared at the battle ground accompanied by god Samuddhi Sumana who was in a Kiripalu tree at the gate of Devram Vehera.  It is said that god Samuddhi Sumana had provided shelter to the “Enlightened One by holding the Kiripalu tree over Him.   

Darkness to subjugate Nagas
Wrathful combating groups were not prepared to listen to the Enlightened One.  The Buddha created an environment of darkness to subjugate the Nagas and after bringing them under His control He preached Dharma from Kakalika Jathakaya which relates the circumstances under which an owl and a cuckoo became arch rivals and the Latukikita Jatakaya in which the Bodhisattva was born as a snipe and saved the lives of a conflagration by observing satya paramita- the strict observation of the truth.  

Hatred is not appeased by hatred.
The Enlightened One made the Nagas realized that hatred is never appeased by hatred “Nahiverena Verani, sammantida kudacanan; averena ca sammanti, esa dhammo sanatano” Hatred is not appeased by hatred: it is appeased by non-hatred. Buddha had explained in simple terms the ill effects of anger, hatred, enmity and resultant disputes, quarrels and wars.  Parecana Vijananti mayametta yamamahe yetatatta samannati medhavo”. Those who quarrel do not realize that the quarrels would appease.

From the area known as Gothamalu the ruins of an old monastery had been recovered.  According to the views expressed by archeologists this is the place where one of the Attaphala of the Sri Maha Bodhi was planted.

The Enlightened One also explained the ill -effects of avarice- Tanha- “Tanhaya jayati soko, tanhaya jayati bhayan Tanhaya vippa muttassa natty soko kuto Bhayan” Avarice leads to sorrow and fear. This was what the Omniscient One made the Nagas realize. He was thus able to bring about reconciliation between rival Naga groups.  Neither Chulodara nor Mahodara had any more desire to own the gem throne.

Uttara Ratta, Nakadiv (Nagadeepa)
During the early historical period the Northern region of Sri Lanka was known as “Uttara Ratta or Naga Deepa in “Sinhalese. As mentioned in rock inscriptions Nakadiv is an island in the Northern end of Sri Lanka is a peninsula separated from the mainland by a lagoon. Presumably it is the area presently known as the Jaffna Peninsula that had been known as Nakadiv or Nagadeepa.

Chulodara, Mahodara and their supports embrace Buddhism
After listening to the Enlightened One, Naga Kings and their followers embraced Buddhism having been subjugated by the Exalted One. According to Mahawansa the civilization in Sri Lanka had been with the subjugation of Nagas by the Exalted One and embracing of Buddhism by them. Naga kings requested some object for them to worship. The Enlightened One gave them the gem studded throne which had been offered to Him by the Nagas themselves. Buddha sat on the gem studded throne and preached Dharma again. Naga kings had built a shrine called “Rajayatanaya” at the place where the Buddha sat to preach Dharma.  According to chronicles this area was known as Naga Pattam during that time.

Invitation by the ruler of Kelaniya, Naga king Maniakkhika to visit his Kingdom
The regional ruler of Kelaniya, Naga king Maniakkhika was the uncle of Naga King Mahodara. King Maniakkhika had come to provide support to his nephew, King Mahodara, in the dispute between Chulodara and Mahodara. He too embraced Buddhism after listening to Dharma. He invited the Enlightened One to visit his kingdom .Buddha accepted the invitation and that led the way for the Buddha’s third visit to Sri Lanka.

Jambukola- Dambakola Patuna
According to chronicles prince Aritta who was thee envoy sent by King Devanampiyatissa to emperor Dharmasoka requesting him to send Arahant Sanghamitta Theri with Sri Maha Bodhi had disembarked at Jambukola- Dambakola Patuna. Archaeologists are of opinion that the place called Sambuthurai (Jambu-thurai) situated about three miles away from Kankasanthurai. Kiramale is the port referred to as Damakola Patuna.

Gothamala and Tisamalu and Sambudhasana Sala Temple
From the area known as Gothamalu the ruins of an old monastery had been recovered.  According to the views expressed by archeologists this is the place where one of the Attaphala of the Sri Maha Bodhi was planted. About half a mile to the South of Sambuthurai there is a place called Tisamalu (Tisamaluwa). This is supposed to the place where King Devanampiyatissa stayed in anticipation of Arahant Sanghamitta Theri who brought Sri Maha Bodhi  is supposed to be the place where the king Devanampiyatissa stood the looking towards the sea to have the first sight of the vessel in which Sri Maha Bodhi was being brought to Sri Lanka. Ruins of a temple had been recovered from this place. Presumably they are the ruins of the Sansuddhasana Sala Temple.  

Jaffna Peninsula - a Sinhala Buddhist settlement
There is evidence to the effect that there had been Buddhist temples, monasteries, shrines etc all over the Jaffna peninsula and that the Sinhalese names have been changed in the course of time for easy pronunciation of the Tamil people. Jaffna peninsula had been a Sinhala Buddhist settlement which had been destroyed by Tamils who had migrated from South India. Sinhala rulers had endured the construction of temples of Hindu gods as they believed that Hindu gods including god Vishnu are Buddhists. Some Sinhala kings had built Buddhist and Hindu temples side by side in order to perform religious rites with their Hindu queens.