"Countries that were to vote for SL voted with U.S, due to india"- prof. G.L.Peiris

26 March 2012 07:44 pm

Today we see S/L leaning towards China. S/L's 30 year war with a ruthless terror organisation ended violently.It may have been an unexpected finish but was necessary. A small, poor nation struggled to cope with terror, the nation provided the Govt ammunition to support the call from its citizens for action against all odds, to provide security to all its citizens not just the Sinhalese but also the minority Tamils, and there is now peace in S/L and development taking place.
Should the international community help rebuild the nation thus help to ease the tension and hatred to continue against the minority or suppress it further? The resolution, will it help? Or should the international community have done more to stop the LTTE in its tracks? The answer from the super powers would have been an obvious ‘no’’Why?Because it would have stopped the sale of arms. Those countries that supported the LTTE certainly have blood on their hands & should shoulder the majority of the blame.
The GOSL did what it had to do like USA did to Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11. What is the big difference? Why the double standards? The questions could go on for many years and volumes, let everyone look at this in real life. S/L did what it had to do to develop the nation which it could not with terror on its doorstep.
It will be interesting to find out if India/USA/EU continues to interfere in the internal affairs of S/L. Will China a huge supporter of S/L come to her assistance? Further, what could happen to India if both Pakistan (a mortal enemy of India) and China attacked (militarily all three Nuclear powered nations) at the same time along with internal terrorism from the Sheiks & Muslims? Will this be the start of WW3? Wow, Scary!!!