‘Political instability is not good for the country’s economic development’ - Professor Siri Hettige

14 July 2015 03:49 am

Evidence based National Policies that are long termed and goal oriented are the best way forward to establish political, economical and socio cultural stability in the country. Convener for the “Campaign for Sound National Policies” and Head of the Department of Sociology, University of Colombo Prof. Siri Hettige explained the significance of the national policy frameworks in the context of the brewing  socio political and economic situation witnessed in the country. Excerpts:

What is your opinion about the current political situation in the country? 

There is a great uncertainty at the moment as to how our country’s political situation will develop during the next couple of months. When you look back over the past few decades we have witnessed political turmoil and conflict. This has not helped in addressing the various problems we face today. On the other hand political instability is not good for the country’s economic development. 

What is the main challenge faced by our country in its pursuit to establish stability politically and economic wise?
People expect the Government to take prompt action to address issues but many fail to understand that development is a cumulative process. People must understand that you must develop on what is there today for the better future of tomorrow. We should not focus on addressing issues only on a day-to-day basis. 

However the main challenge faced by our country is the Government’s role in changing short term policy goals to long term sustainable planning. With the general political situation in the country, we have noticed how the Government has adopted to look and seek solutions for problems as they crop up and worst is that we let these problems accumulate over time. For an instant take the economy of our country which has experienced a trade gap for quite a long time and this is widening more than narrowing. 

Why is the trade gap widening and proving to be so counter productive? 
Our economy depends a lot on remittances and borrowed money but is not sustainable for the economic progress in the long run. We have been counterproductive over the past few decades due to the heavy dependence on borrowed money and increasing remittances. This widens the trade gap which needs to be bridged to avoid further economic loss. Local production must be promoted for export thus cutting down on the imports and increasing foreign exchange. Eventually the need to borrow money will also come down significantly. 

Despite such measures when people choose to travel abroad seeking job opportunities, there would be a less number of labourers available locally leading to an increase in wages. On the other hand local manufacturing becomes a hard task when the production cost is sky rocketing. 

At the end of the day our economy would be trapped and we would be walking on a tight rope. This is why a long term plan is a pre requisite for the country’s economy. The economic situation of the country is only one among the numerous other problems faced by our country. 

What is the cause of economic crimes and how can they be curtailed? 
From petty economic crimes such as burglary to drug and alcohol peddling to bigger economic crimes including bribery and corruption one can say that this is partly due to the economic pressure imposed on people. The need and desperation to earn more money sometimes drives man towards such malpractices and very often when they are in despair people fail to distinguish the difference between what is right from wrong. Economic crime is a reflection of the present situation in the country where we find mega drug traffickers and the like in the loose and spreading like wild fire. 

The only way to reduce economic crime is to bring down the economic pressure on people. 

There are countries that have eliminated petty economic crime thanks to the development in technology such as the availability of video footages on CCTVs and these techniques must be put in to effective use to reap their full benefits. If people’s requirements are met there will be no need for petty economic crimes. 

Apart from the country’s economy what are the other persisting issues that need to be addressed immediately? 
Policy makers must focus on developing other aspects such as education, health sector, transport, ethnic harmony, poverty and widespread alcohol abuse. The trade gap problem in the economy is only one aspect among them which indicates where we have fallen short in development. 

Even our educational system is in need of better reforms. In today’s context students skip school to attend tuition classes. This can’t take place in a country like Sri Lanka where there are ample schools and teachers ready to serve in education. In most cases a dubious role is played by private tuition classes. What is the guarantee the parents get from tuition masters for the money spent on their children? On the other hand the transport system is also in real jeopardy with the high traffic congestion and road accidents accumulating on a daily basis. Evidence based national policies that are long term and sustainable are a major requirement to fill these gaps that are detrimental to the country’s development. 

Do you think that state institutions are playing a significant role in addressing the problems faced by the country as a whole? 
Running a state bureaucracy is expensive and we have to get our money’s worth. The entire political establishment depends on what the ordinary people pay in terms of direct and indirect taxes. Look at the number of official vehicles that are parked in front of government buildings. Even these vehicles are maintained at public expense. All government institutions are established in order to promote public welfare. They exist to serve the people but the question we must ask is if these institutions do their jobs properly. If the health, education or the transport system fail to help us what is the point in spending all the public money to maintain them? The sad truth is that we have not made the optimum use of the public money spent to maintain these government establishments. I think that government institutions can contribute in a more active manner if they are guided by long term structural reforms. 

How can these long term structural reforms be incorporated into the political system? 
The entire political system must change gears and must adopt a new methodology. This is what we call systematic long term planning. If this was to be the order of the day the Government must rely more on knowledge. Politicians can’t depend on posters, cut outs and banners to bring about the change that is required to curb all malpractices and establish good governance. The knowledge of the scholars must be utilized effectively for the well being of the country.

Although they are scattered islandwide most of them remain in a dormant state.  The Government must mobilize them properly to benefit key areas such as poverty, conflict resolution, education, health etc. I have nothing against lawyers but many politicians think that lawyers can be appointed as political appointees to different ministries. What is the purpose of having a specialized degree from a university if people suitable for the job are not appointed? 

A merit based allocation of resources is required when making political appointments. Knowledge has a key role to play in politics. This is vital since politics is the way we manage public affairs which is complex by nature. We need long term structural reforms in terms of research based national policies to address problems faced by the country in political, economical, social and cultural facets. This is why we recently launched the “Programme for Evidence Based National Policies” which is a long term process and a broad policy framework covering twenty two key areas in developing public policy.  Stakeholders from the public and private sectors, civil society organizations and the public will be consulted when these national policies are formed.   This programme will provide the ground for people to think about the effectiveness of long term, research based policy planning. This is the way forward to make our political system more relevant, supportive and responsive to the problems faced by our people.    

Do you think that the new Government will use such a strategy to address the burning problems faced by the country? 
Let us hope so. We hope that the new Government would take on board some of these fundamental ideas and utilize them to manage public affairs in a much more organized manner. It is the only way that people can look forward for a better future and stop planning their next trip to Middle East seeking job opportunities. So far the response we have received from the Government to make this endeavour a reality has been encouraging. ‘

What is the role the public has to play to promote good governance and to ensure that these policy frameworks will be implemented properly? What kind of message do you have for the voters of the forthcoming general election? 
Voters should realize that there future is in their hands. If they desire a better future for their children they should think rationally before they cast their vote in favour of a politician. Democracy and politics are serious business and even the politicians must realize that their career in the field starts the day they are elected. Politically elected leaders also should have the capacity to understand the complexities involved in politics and work strategically to work towards the betterment of the country. 

It is not only in the hands of a few university professors or journalists but also in the hands of those who cast the vote to ensure what is best for the country and act as rational, responsible citizens.