Enough of wars

30 May 2012 06:30 pm

At Arlington, Barack Obama has made a pledge. The US president in no small words told the veterans and military families that Washington would never commit to another war across its shores.

 It is a welcome announcement, and needs to be appreciated from a person who withdrew his troops from Iraq and brought an end to the war in Afghanistan. The pullout from the southwest Asian country by the end of 2014 is likely to result in more stability and enable the region to bounce back. But the fact that Obama was non-committal as far as Syria, Iran and North Korea were concerned, and by refusing to mention these flashpoints has left a lot of grey area. The point that he said was  the US will never go to war ‘without a clear need’ is quite misleading, as that privilege is open to interpretation. The mess that the US created in the name of saving the world from terrorism and building a new Pax-Americana stands controversial and debatable on all forums. Obama could have sounded more logical and statesman-like, well in relevance to his status of a Noble laureate, if he had made it an election manifesto integral not to war against any country, and let diplomacy and resilience make their way for achieving an across-the-board peace.

Obama seems to be tight-roped on his political conscience, as he faces a tough competition from the Republicans, who are gaining ground from foreign policy to economic horizons by virtue of a divided Congress. It is here that Obama has to re-orient his passion of first campaign wherein he was direct and spontaneous on issues from wars to Guantanamo Bay. With a sound economic recovery, much better than what Europe is trailing with, Obama can showcase a coherent foreign policy at a time when the electorates are, indeed, suspecting a second-term for sitting incumbents. The upheavals from Greece to France are a case in point.  
The world is in need of a new order where in, at least, wars for the sake of promoting the vested interests of arms merchants are avoided in totality. The messengers of doom have had their way from sending the US troops to two unnecessary wars and plunging the world in economic crisis by going greedy at the Wall Street. Obama’s policies to an extent have managed damage control, and now is the time to outlaw war and desist from brinkmanship.  The White House should stick to the three demanding words: No to war.
Khaleej Times