Editorial - Evil minds contaminate the earth

20 September 2012 07:02 pm

It is said that what comes out of our human minds is what often corrupts and distorts our human personality. When that happens we distort and corrupt most things around us. Such evil thoughts contaminate humanity and the earth as well. Today we live in such a contaminated world, which is able to infect those living in it. The result is the destruction of people and societies. 
We could see how today’s world rests on the foundation of evil intentions that spring from human hearts, and create havoc. At times it is what goads almost all human activity. If we look at a simple matter of pursuing means of livelihood, we are unwittingly called to enter the world which is governed by greed, deception, envy and jealousy. The question is asked whether people would be happier without those four motivating factors. Surely one would like to believe that people would be satisfied then with what they have and not be unhappy over what they don’t have.
Would it not make sense to have progress and development primarily to uplift the poor and the under-privileged? What is the answer we give those ever-increasing people who cannot make it? One would expect the progress and development we are said to have achieved to have answered the lack we see around. Let’s look at it another way. The empires that have existed throughout history have collapsed repeatedly. An empire is called such because it’s said to have reached the pinnacle of power and achievement. And yet that is its moment of collapse.
Leaders above all have a greater responsibility to harness and have proper control over their intentions. Are deception and greed motivating the Securities and Exchange Commission when saying that any investigation is not to be construed as something against that establishment? The Government has to fight against pride it does not want to let go of, when refusing to listen to the cry of students who have struggled to reach the portals of higher education or the cry of the poor to help make ends meet.
The primary motive of all human endeavour should be to directly empower the helpless and not to make more money than necessary. To make more is to not know when it’s enough, maybe till it finally controls people themselves.  It is said that what’s accomplished or destroyed originates from the laboratory of the human mind. If we nurture a moral attitude a pure and vibrant being results. An immoral mind creates a distorted personality. Fornication, indecency and murder can originate from anyone’s mind. No one is exempt, and so the need to be ever watchful over ourselves, so that what we do creates a better place to live.    


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