27 October 2011 05:02 am

Picked a cute mongrel, cross between a cocker spaniel with an impressive pedigree sheet and a street dog born unknown in the year of the Referendum, with a saintly face and satanic ways. Named my pet dog J.R. sufficient to make the poor pet growl at his master on mention of the name, which in its mind may have been unflattering.
Critics called it a name that served fudge by depriving the nation of a general election for a twelve-year term. The lame substitute was a call for a Referendum held most foul.
If a general election was held on schedule there may not have been the southern insurrection or northern terrorism- Wijeweera and Prabhakaran would have been in Parliament. Once accustomed to the privileges and luxuries enjoyed by parliamentarians, it is unlikely they would have opted to go underground. More likely the system would have corrupted them.
JRJ did a wholesome undemocratic act- yet it evoked no adverse reaction from the West unlike presently by the guardians of the white man’s burden? 
Intention was to retain the five sixth (5/6) majority held in Parliament achieved with the first pass the post system in his first term, unreachable under proportionate representation in Jayewardene’s second term. He wanted to hold on to that majority by hook or by crook. As long as he was their lap dog, unlike my dog that yaps, west had no qualms.
He became a favourite nephew of Uncle Sam. President Ronald Reagan feted a ball in honour of J.R. Jayewardene at the White House and brought crooner Frank Sinatra to serenade with his favourite song ”My Way”. His way was to deny the right to elect parliamentarians. Yet U.S. called for three cheers for embalming democracy. They did the same to Pinochet of Chile, Suharto of Indonesia, and Shah of Iran, thugs dressed in butchers’ aprons carrying carving knives.  In the name of democracy the West remains silent on life in Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the puppet states of Washington where elections are not held or held fraudulently.
With a 2/3 majority in Parliament during the Jayewardene regime- Supreme Court judges had their offices locked and houses stoned; inquiry was initiated against the esteemed Chief Justice Neville Samarakoone in Parliament who was unafraid to give judgments against his personal friend JR, who appointed him from the private bar; savage gangs wielded bicycle chains against the sage of Sinhala drama Professor E.R. Sarath Chandra; his main political opponents Mrs. Bandaranaike and Felix Dias-Bandaranaike were deprived the right to contest elections by a Presidential Commission; and when the Supreme Court held  that the Commission was illegal, President Jayewardene brought a motion in Parliament to strike down the decision of the Supreme Court. JRJ watched in silence unfurling of events of a horrible July 1983.
J.R. Jayewardane went bananas by publicly declaring that he was omnipotent do anything except make a sex change. Mahinda Rajapaksa is not stupid to boast of being a superman. JRJ and his smart team were capable of operating to extract the maximum benefits of a 2/3 majority due to their cunning intellect and his MP’s were all from the green belt.
Mahinda Rajapaksa pocketed his special majority and slept on it except to tinker with the 18th amendment. His weak team is woefully inadequate to utilize the majority to the peoples’ advantage mainly due to lack of incisive minds. His coalition took weeks to form but could take days to collapse if a trend develops.
Some of the watchdog commissions appointed under the 18th amendment, on an assessment of performance, are a bunch of noddies pirouetting like servile sycophants without attending to rectifying deficiencies in society.  The Human Justices Commission and the Bribery and Corruption Commission by their inaction have become a national disgrace whereas they should have stood as a firewall against allegations on human rights and venality.
All governments, which register 2/3 majorities, enhance their authority further by delegating power to flocks of obedient lambs unable to say boo to correct their masters of wrong doings. Politicians make errors: the administrators are paid to place them on the right path and not to yap, “Yes Sir, Your correct, Sir” or to assent in silence.
A trend under 2/3 majorities is the degeneration of democracy being overpowered by veiled thuggery from state quarters – from bicycle chain wielding gangs to arsonists that torched homes in July 1983, to political heavy weights who indulge in a shootout at high noon and indiscipline Ministers on rampage as at present times. With a 2/3 majority crimes are conveniently overlooked and then forgotten with the passage of time; long arm of the law never reaches the real culprits as it is disabled from functioning effectively. There is contempt for law and order including public opinion. With 2/3 majorities Governments feel they are untouchable and above the law.
 This is a Government more likely to be defeated by its own stupidity than by a lukewarm Opposition. It is not the incident at Kollonnawa alone but events thereupon that established in the minds of law-abiding people, that hoodlums can overtake the law, as they are a part of the Government. In a country where the Government and the people overcame terrorism by blood sweat and toil, it is unfortunate that hoodlums are permitted surface to override law and order.