What the Bible, Gospel and Christian faith are all about

1 October 2016 12:00 am

No book in history has been more twisted, misinterpreted, misunderstood and perverted than the Holy Bible, the book that all Christians - Catholics, Mainstream and Evangelical Protestants - believe to be the inspired Word of God. In the context of the events of the last 20 years, and especially today, a conflict also rages particularly in the Middle East and the West, over the interpretation of the Quran. Today, we see a divide between Islam and ‘Radical Islam.’ 

Let me get back to the Bible and the Christian Faith. The Bible is divided into the Old Testament and New Testament. Firstly, the Bible is NOT about miracles. Yes, numerous miracles did happen and continue to. In layman’s language, a miracle is an event that occurs which cannot be explained in human or medical terms. Wikipedia suggests that - ‘Miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws. Such an event may be attributed to a supernatural being (a deity), magic, a miracle worker, a saint or a religious leader.’ The Bible is about obedience to God, mercy, compassion, love and above all, redemption. 

The great Protestant Evangelist Stanley Jones said of the Christ: “One Greater than the Bible is here. We love the Bible, honour it, assimilate it, for it leads to His feet. But the Bible is not the revelation of God. It is the inspired record of the revelation. The revelation is seen in the face of Christ. Jesus told us: “You search the scriptures, imagining you possess eternal life in their pages – and they do testify to me – but you refuse to come to me for Life. Eternal life is not in the pages……The word was not made printer’s ink. The Word was made flesh, not a page but a person.” This is one of the dangers of fundamentalist evangelical Christianity. 

Yes, Christians believe that the Red Sea was parted by God through Moses as he led his people from bondage. Yes, Christians believe the blind man received his sight, a lame man walked, and Lazarus was raised from the dead. The Old Testament chronicles the story of God and Man, and yes, women, from the creation of the world to the promise of the Messiah, the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. 

What did and does God require of man? It is not to do miracles though as we have seen they do occur. Prophet Micah put it best: “This is what the Lord requires of man. To do justice/act justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). How often is this preached by every Catholic Priest, Protestant Pastor and Evangelical Protestant Preacher? It is certainly not a ‘sexy,’ attractive or marketable message to sell. There is nothing more marketable than a miracle. I do not know a single person who does not want a miracle of some sort. In a country like Sri  Lanka, there should be over 21 million people attending a miracle service or event. The Miracle, Prosperity and Feel Good Gospel is very attractive. “Even the demons believe in God and shudder” – James 2:19. “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”- 2 Corinthians 11:14. Miracles are not always the sign of an ‘anointed’ man! Churches built around one charismatic preacher can become a ‘personality cult.’ 

The Gospels and the entire New Testament have at their core unconditional love, reconciliation, ‘denial of self,’ forgiveness, humility and redemption. The Gospels do not promise prosperity. The demands of Jesus are very scary and tough. He told the rich man: “go sell everything you have and give it to the poor and come follow me” – (Matthew 19:21, Luke 18:22. Mark 10:21). The rich man turned away from the Messiah and walked away very sad. How would a rich person respond today? They may give out of their abundance. Jesus saw this as he watched people ‘tithing’ in a temple. He pointed to the poor widow who gave all she had, and said: “Truly I tell you, this poor widow put in more than the others; the others gave out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, gave everything she had” (Mark 12: 41 – 44). 

Many in the evangelical Protestant Churches drift from Church to Church. When something goes wrong in their church or when there is discomfort with the Pastor or another member of the church, or when they feel they are ‘not being fed,’ they simply move to another church. The Catholic Church has lost many of its sheep because of the failure of Priests and Bishops to preach the real Gospel and Bible, and make the Catholic Faith and the Mass a real celebration of worship, praise and thanksgiving. The Catholic Mass should not be ‘mournful’ but a real celebration of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. If people want to clap and sing, let them sing! So many people who are full of resentment and anger go from service to service and not really knowing about unconditional love.

They are seeking absolution and to feel good about themselves. The Lord directed most of his ‘righteous anger’ at the frequent church/synagogue goers, the rulers, the Pharisees, the self -righteous and the rich.  The Christian Faith is all about humble not self -righteous behaviour. “You are the light of the World” (Matthew 5:14). “By your fruits will you be known” (Matthew 7:16), Let us not think that we are better than anyone else because we have ‘received Jesus.’ “Why do you notice the splinter in another person’s eye, but do not see the splinter in your own eye first. Judge not lest you be judged?” – Matthew 7: 3-15). “Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven. But he/she who does the will of my Father in Heaven,” The Saviour told us (Matthew 7: 21-23). We saw from the Prophet Micah what the Lord requires of his followers. 

And what about forgiveness, reconciliation and the tongue? “Before you go to a worship service and know that you have wronged another person, first go, reconcile and ask for forgiveness, and then come to worship the Lord” – Mathew 5:24. “If you do not ask for forgiveness from those you have sinned against or wronged, neither will your Father in Heaven forgive you” – Matthew 6:14.  What a tongue so many of us have? No one in history has put it more powerfully than the evangelist James: “The tongue is a fire…a restless evil full of deadly poison; with it we bless and praise the Lord and Father. And with it we curse human beings (especially those closest to us) who are made in His likeness” – James 3: 5-10. 

A person cannot be born again if the inside or core is still rotten. Jesus reserved his harshest words for the self-righteous and the ‘religious.’ “Woe to you teachers of the law, religious leaders, Pharisees and hypocrites. You are like the white washed tombs which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside you are rotten….you clean the outside of a cup but inside you are full of greed, self-indulgence, pride and self-righteousness” – Matthew 23: 7. Absolution must start with asking for forgiveness from each other. Only then will the Lord truly forgive us. 

My fellow Christians, wake up! One greater than the Bible walked our earth over 2000 years ago and reminded us that “by our fruits – actions and behaviour - will we be known” and “Let him/her who is without sin cast the first stone.” To Catholic and Evangelical Protestant leaders, how credible are you? How and where do you live? The Master you serve had “Nowhere to lay his head.”