17 October 2018 12:00 am


What are today’s Realities??? 

GRIM!!! Lots of Humans, Less Humanity, More Degrees, Less Common Sense, Lots of Facebook Friends, No Best Friends, Big Houses, Small Families, High Income, Less Peace of Mind, Designer Watches, No Time, High IQs, No Emotions, Advanced Medicine, Poor Health, Gone to the Moon, Neighbours Unknown, Numerous Affairs, No True Love!!! These are the STARK REALITIES BUT THERE IS MORE!!! No Ethics, No Generosity, No Feeling for the Underprivileged, No Social Etiquette, No Table Etiquette, No Manners, No Morals, No Family Love, No Filial Love, No Conjugal Love, No Parental Love, No Kindness, No Friendships, No Camaraderie, No Religion, NOTHING THAT MATTERS AT ALL!!!



Family that eats together

Gone are the days when families sat around their tables, gave thanks for their meals and enjoyed so much good fun, telling stories with children doing most of the talking and the grown-ups listening!!! The good old days when, people dressed for important events, the tables were meticulously laid with beautiful table mats, shining silver, gleaming glassware, floral table centres, napkins daintily folded or made into different designs, everything done with attention to detail!!! Now, the grown-ups eat when they want to, the kids dash in and grab some food to stuff their mouths with and are out again, no time, no time, no time for anything except dashing around wanting to see the next TV drama, catch the news, play cricket or whatever is on the scene!!! In the past, if you tried getting into a 5 Star Hotel in rubber slippers and shorts, you would get no further than the door!!! Today, anyone can go in shorts and slippers and even partake of a meal!!! Is it that standards have deteriorated so badly or the bottom line is, the more people allowed, the more money the hotel makes???




We got the power

You only have to open a newspaper or listen to the news to realize the enormity of natural disasters occurring around the world today!!! Floods, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, fires, on a daily basis!!! It seems as though God is angry with the world but what intrigues and worries are the irreverent attitudes – it is a blatant WE DON’T CARE, WE HAVE MONEY, WE HAVE POWER, WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT!!! IT MATTERS NOT THAT THE MONEY IS FROM ILL-GOTTEN GAINS, MONEY OBTAINED FROM DRUGS WHICH IS ANOTHER EVER PRESENT SCOURGE TODAY, MONEY IS ALL POWERFUL SO WHO NEEDS RELIGION, WHO NEEDS GOD??? TESTIMONY OF FOOLS!!!




What goes around comes around

If we want to live a life worthwhile, perhaps it would be useful to ponder on the little things to remember in Life:
The past cannot be changed
Opinions don’t define your reality
Everyone’s journey is different
Things get better with time
Positive thoughts create positive things
You fail only if you quit
Over-thinking will lead to sadness
What goes around comes around
Judgments are a confession of character
Happiness is found within
Kindness is free
Smiles are contagious




Bring’em back

Eventually, we find that Passports have been impounded at the request of the CID and wonder why this could not have been done earlier in so many instances where people have got away!!! DIG Nalaka de Silva and Namal Kumara though not named as suspects have been grounded, but the real suspects like Jaliya, Mahendran, and other suspects have been allowed to go scot-free with absolutely no idea of whether they will return or not!!! Arjun Aloysius and Palisena are still whiling away in prison!!! The million dollar question is why NOTHING AND WE MEAN NOTHING is being done to bring Mahendran and Jaliya back??? WHO OR WHAT ARE WE AFRAID OF??? IT SURELY HAS TO BE SOMETHING CATASTROPHIC TO MERIT SUCH SILENCE!!! THE SOUND OF SILENCE IS OMINOUS!!! Why is nothing being said or done about Mahendran and Jaliya, Thajudeen’s murder, Lasantha’s murder, they are conveniently maintaining a stubborn silence on these matters when they should be moving heaven and earth to bring these culprits to book???




Pick pocketing

Apparently, pick-pocketing in buses is still rampant!!! The most horrifying part of it is that in some buses, the conductor warns you to be careful because he has seen the man boarding the bus!!! The poor passenger who is robbed is totally unaware as most of them are so exhausted after a long days work!!! It is only later that the horrifying reality dawns!!! It should be mandatory for the conductor to report such a person to the nearest Police Station!!! 




                                                        -THE VOICE-