Podihamuduruvo of Gangaramaya is 73: A prelate with dynamic philosophy

13 December 2016 12:06 am

“An emphatic aspect of the glorious life of Podihamuduruvo, (Ven. Galboda Gnanissara Nayaka Maha Thera), is the new tradition of spiritual leadership he has initiated. His concerned attention is focused not only on what are generally described as “religious issues”. His trajectory extends far beyond, into a vast range of domains which include education, social service, economic fields and of course, the future of our land.” 

(By Prof. Sampath Amaratunga, Vice Chancellor, Sri Jayawardanapura University). 

The Buddhist prelate, known extensively by the sobriquet of adoration as “Podihamuduruvo”, is a direct tutelary descendant of the line of prestigious Buddhist monks, tracing their spiritual ancestry to the erudite, leading monk Ven. Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Thera.
Maha Nayaka Thera, I too, can state with all the humility I can muster, that I too am a product of the line of lay pupils descending from that Ven. Maha Nayaka Thera.  
I am quite certain, that ‘Podihamaduruvo’, will allow me to pay him a birthday tribute, as a felicitation from a lay descendant of the spiritual line which he so brilliantly belongs to. 
In historical hindsight, it becomes quite clear, that from the days of the far past, the prelates of Sri Lanka have contributed substantially towards the progress of Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage, especially literature and allied disciplines. This highly praiseworthy tradition is continued without an interruption by the ‘Podihamaduruvo’  in an epic style.  
His 73rd birthday is the ideal moment, to enter into a timely public discourse about his unparalleled leadership assets, that invariably elevate the quality of Sri Lanka’s culture, at a multiplicity of levels. 

His main tenet is to walk the talk  

While the generality of leaders, would confine their assistance to mere lip-service, Podihamuduruvo would take pragmatic strides, to convert ideals into living reality. His dynamic philosophy is firmly built on a steady and solid foundation. His true conviction is that to enable a person to reach spiritual goals, his or her, worldly problems should be satisfactorily solved. Appreciating this human condition with stark reality Podihamuduruvo, concentrates unswervingly on providing the essential needs of life, as a practical prelude to the teaching of the basic and crucial spiritual principles. 
Podihamuduruvo is deeply aware of the strong bonds that the generality of people have to material well-being. He is equally conscious of the difficulties people experience in breaking away from these worldly ties. In terms of that enlightened view, Podihamuduruvo is an erudite Buddhist monk, with his feet firmly established on the “terra firma” of the realities of the modern world.  


"Transforms Gangarama, into a veritable residential University, with Podihamuduruvo as the Guide, Guru, Presiding Genius and in modern academic parlance, Un-official Chancellor"

The Gangarama Monastery, the temple of which he is the incumbent Prelate, is a living and pulsating centre, that radiates the spiritual waves, that entice the devotees to a tranquil and virtuous life. His spiritual pragmatism is not at all restricted by an urge to win short-term, ephemeral results. He is eminently far-sighted. This aspect of his leadership is likely to be missed by some, who are not quite capable of understanding the fullest significance of some his moves. Those Venerable disciples, who evolve both spiritually and in terms of personality enhancement, receive a widely-scoped training. This in effect, transforms Gangarama, into a veritable residential University, with Podihamuduruvo as the Guide, Guru, Presiding Genius and in modern academic parlance, Un-official Chancellor.  
The noble outcome of this development, is the spirit of social service, and of helping the lay people in terms of their needs, that the Gangarama disciples imbibe, through the example vehemently set by their chief prelate, the Podihamuduruvo. Along with that process, all those who come under his influence get fully attuned to the idea of transcending such cleavages as race, caste, creed and community.  
Podihamuduruvo has been able to reach this peak of serene and objective spirituality, because he has fully eschewed the pursuit of worldly gains. This attitude is adequately reflected by the series of free services, provided by Gangarama to one and all, with no discrimination whatsoever. It is this attitude of astonishing selflessness, that has conferred upon Podihamuduruvo, the strength and the audacity to oppose even the most powerful in the land when they go wrong and to give his approving nod, when they tread the right path.  



"Podihamuduruvo has been able to reach this peak of serene and objective spirituality, because he has fully eschewed the pursuit of worldly gains"


Podihamuduruvo has contributed an oriental factor, to the prestigious tomes of western managerial theories. The leadership characteristic, emphasized by him is the influence traditional leadership has on the emergence of leaders. He is fully aware of the dynamic role played by followers, towards wholesome and uninterrupted leadership.  
The range of followers of the Gangarama Monastery, is amazingly wide. From the First Citizen of the land to the least important person - all the people at large, both lay and clergy, come within the category of those, who could be defined 
as followers.  
Podihamuduruvo assumed the position of Incumbent Prelate, from his early youth. Being fully aware of the need of disciples, who would continue the unparalleled ideals for which this institution stands, he provided his young followers the opportunity to pursue higher education abroad. These youthful and dynamic monks returned to their spiritual ‘home’ Gangarama and committed themselves fully to the promotion of this spiritual centre, under the charismatic leadership of Podihamuduruvo.  
Today in scrupulence adherence to the guidelines set by their Pre-eminent Guru - Podihamuduruvo - these young, erudite and efficient monks, devote their total beings to this unique spiritual and humane Institution. Among these young leading monks, Ven. (Dr.) Kirinde Assaji Thera and Ven. Dr. Pallegama Ratanasara Thera, could be cited as brilliant instances of young spiritual leadership. At each and every crucial turn, they follow the lead advocated by their pre-eminent leader - Podihamuduruvo.  
When Ven. (Dr.) Kirinde Assaji Thera was nominated to the council of The Sri Jayawardanapura University, he sought the approval of Podihamuduruvo, his spiritual superior and Nayaka Maha Thero.

Podihamuduruvo possesses a keen vision that enables him to see through their young lives - the future potentialities they indicate. The vivid and legendary witness to the miraculous leadership prowess of Podihamuduruvo, he brought about in the locality where Gangarama Monastery is currently located.  
In the early days, this area was the domain of unruly and lawless hordes, notorious for all kinds of heinous crimes. Over the years, Podihamuduruvo has been able to transform this into a haven of virtue, spirituality and learning.  
In a nutshell, with all the emphasis that one could muster, it is possible to state, that, Podihamuduruvo is a living presence, that converts into dynamic objectivity all the accepted norms and theories of proper, positive and above all, effective management. In sum, one could very well characterize Podihamuduruvo’s pragmatic approach to management, as the “Gangarama Theory of Management.”  
We all wish Podihamuduruvo, success, good health and long life, for the well being of many, for the benefit of everyone.