Enforce death penalty

19 September 2016 12:30 am

On September 10 the Daily Mirror reported that between January and August this year a total of 334 murders had taken place in our country. In 2013 there had been 402 killings in the first eight months alone and during the same period and 391 killings during the same period in 2014.There had also been 267 incidents of attempted murder this year and what is most horrifying is that we claim to be 
a Buddhist country!   


Let us recall the rape and murder of that five-year-old Seya, we cannot let this continue. The “death sentence’ today is converted to a sentence to life imprisonment, where these monsters, who have been found guilty of taking the lives of others, spend their days well fed, clothed and cared for at our expense, as long as they live. If the President feels squeamish to sign the final order to carry out the death sentence, then he could refer it to a bench of three SC Judges to examine the case records and make the order to carry out the sentence. There are many of us citizens who are prepared to volunteer to see that the execution is carried out. If hanging be considered unacceptable then let us reintroduce the system we had in ancient times ---yes let us reintroduce the barrel with nails and let us roll them down a precipice; let not the EU and the West which have killed and are killing thousands of civilians with their sophisticated weapon systems and drones,  preach to us. Let us reintroduce the death penalty and save our country.   



"The “death sentence’ today is converted to a sentence to life imprisonment, where these monsters, who have been found guilty of taking the lives of others, spend their days well fed, clothed and cared for at our expense, as long as they live."


 I, was for some years Chairman of a Committee which inspected Prisons and I have met many who had been sentenced to death for premeditated murder, including a man who had been sentenced to death for the murder of the great humanist Dr. Neelan Tiruchelvam. When I asked the man found guilty of Neelan’s murder as to whether he regretted the horrible crime he had committed, he laughed, and I have no reservations or regret in saying that I had the monster given the treatment, unfortunately I could not have had him hanged.   


I note that recently civilized persons and organization in the West have called upon us to do away with the death penalty, but we must retain the death penalty for premeditated murder and other heinous crimes. Countries that retain the death penalty know what a deterrent it has been and of how life has been made safe for law abiding citizens. The government owes this to us, we must hang or put to death by other means pre-meditated murderers and those who kill children, in the interest of our country and our people.