New device to determine quality of bee’s honey

14 November 2019 12:08 am


By Thisari Walawege  

A group of research scientists led by Dr. Chandima Wijesiriwardana of Industrial Technology Institute(ITI) has invented a device to analyse and determine quality of bee’s honey, Ministry of Science, Technology and Research said.  

The ministry said the quality of bee’s honey should meet the SLS 464-2016 standard and through this new device quality control procedures could be carried out at the site of production itself. Moreover, the cost would be a minimum of Rs.100 and the time taken would be minimal. Many local industries use bee’s honey in their products such as in ayurvedic medicine. The ITI said this device would be useful for individuals engaged in apiculture.  

According to the ministry, there is huge demand for bee’s honey in the global market and used widely for medicinal products, beauty products and plant based products. Even though there is a domestic demand of about 20,000 metric tons for bee’s honey, only 8,000 metric tons are produced.  Therefore inferior quality of bee honey is available in the local market due heavy demand and the adulteration of bee honey is very common. Therefore it is essential to identify and maintain the standard quality of bee’s honey to provide good quality products to consumers. Dr. Chandima Wijesiriwardana said this device would solve difficulties of scientific quality analysis in apiculture.