Met Dept. extends heat advisory to Colombo

31 March 2020 12:00 am

By Yohan Perera 

The Meteorology Department in a statement yesterday extended the heat advisory issued on Sunday to cover the Colombo District as well. 

Accordingly, a statement from the department said people in Colombo should be extremely cautious about the increase of temperature in Colombo as well other than Sabaragamuwa, North Western province, Gampaha, Mannar and Moneragala  districts. The temperature in these areas could  spike from 32c degrees to 41c degrees in the coming days.

People in these areas could suffer from heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat strokes as a result of the situation, the department said. People were also advised to drink adequate amounts of water, wear light coloured clothing, not allow children to remain in vehicles for a long time and to avoid exhaustive work.