I will mobilise masses against the Govt.: Ven Aturaliye Thera

28 May 2019 10:37 am


By Pushpakumara Jayaratne   
Parliamentarian Ven. Aturaliye Ratana Thera said he would mobilize the masses against the government and the Western Province Governor Azath Salley in case of any attempt to safeguard Dr. Siyabdeen Mohamed Shafi and to brush under the carpet the allegations against him.  

During a visit to the Kurunegala teaching hospital he met the officials of the hospital administration, the trader union representatives and several women who put forward their grievances. Ven.Thera who listened to them stressed that he would  provide relief to the victims.   

Ven. Rathana Thera said that he would compel the government not to interfere with the ongoing investigations or to transfer the police officers investigating the incident and the medical staff cooperating them.