Rohini Joseph: you knew Jesus as your personal Saviour

23 May 2020 12:00 am

Rohini Joseph my sister in Christ. You were such a charming, quiet lady, 
Rohini dear, you were a tower of strength when we needed you. Your prayer life was such, that you knew Jesus as your personal Saviour. You were indeed an interceder. I have to thank Surani for having introduced Rohini to me, through the Women’s Aglow Fellowship. You joined our Fellowship and very soon you were appointed Vice President. Dear Rohini, thank you for your love, all your friends are sure going to miss you, because you were a real prayer prop to us. The Thursday, Bible study and the prayer time sitting with us in the shade of the Tamarind tree in our garden are one of the memories you have left behind, visiting our fellowship ladies and running upto Ragama hospital to do a bit of hospital visting- you were there. I am going to miss you my friend.

There is a “Miracle” called “Friendship” that dwells within the heart, and you do not know how it happens or when it gets its start. But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift. And you realise that “Friendship” is God`s precious gift.

Mr. Joseph, Ricky, Reena and the rest of the family members, may the good Lord be with you, through this difficult times. I will miss you my friend and thank you for your love.

President- Women`s Aglow Fellowship, Hendala.
Lucky Mawala