Residents of Sri Sobitha Gama hoping for brighter future

19 November 2021 04:06 am

The living conditions of one of the houses in the area


Situated at the marginal end of Wilpattu National Park in Anuradhapura, Sri Sobitha Gama is a village that was formed with the combination of eight smaller villages. It hosts atotal population of approximately 1,600 (400 plus families) of which the bulk of the village residents lack a source of fixed income and depend on the occasional earnings they make through selling herbal plants that are grown unattended. The area residents are also greatly affected by wild animals that regularly encroach into the area.   

The Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown (RCCU), together with the Foundation of Goodness, recently completed a project titled ‘Pavasa Niwamu’ which was focused on raising awareness on the importance of water sanitation and helping with providing safe and affordable drinking water for the population in Sri Sobitha Gama. 

As part of the primary phase of the project, an essential part of the water filter to the reverse osmosis plant which delivers clean water to the population living in this area which had broken was replaced. Reverse osmosis is a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to separate ions, unwanted molecules, and larger particles from drinking water. A few donors too came together to help bring the project to fruition.  

Many people in the area are vulnerable to chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) and the project was carried out with the hope that the provision of clean drinking water would reduce the prevalence of CKDu.  
During the implementation of the project, the Rotaract Club of Colombo Uptown became aware of the lack of proper sanitation facilities in the area which has resulted in many of the residents resorting to public defecation which has posed a great health risk to the community.  

Upon gaining an understanding of the villagers’ plight, the club recently initiated a new project titled ‘Awasi’ through which 40 toilets are earmarked to be constructed for the direct benefit of approximately 300 individuals in Sri Sobitha Gama.  

The project which is in its initial stages saw a few club members visit the area recently to monitor plans being made for the construction of the toilets and ensure that the construction of the first few toilets was proceeding according to plan. During the visit, the club donated packs of dry rations to the families living in the area and made an observation of the water filtration unit previously installed.  

Ven. Revatha, the Head Priest of the area temple, expressed that the area residents face several difficulties in addition to those mentioned and stated that any assistance received would be of immense help.  
“The villagers have housing issues and job issues. There is still no fixed location to send children for pre-school. Also, there are so many threats from wild animals such elephants and bears,” Ven, Revatha said.  

The successful completion of project ‘Awasi’ would yet require much support, and those with an interest in donating towards the project or assisting the residents of Sri Sobitha Gama by any other means can make contact with Project Chairperson Rtr. Teshani Zoysa on 0775519196 or RCCU President Rtr. Akmal Afzal on 0770274519. 

An existing state of toilets being used in the village

The village residents using the water filter following its repair


The water filtration plant in Sri Sobitha Gama


Dry Rations being donated to the residents