Quintin Dewanarayana He upholds the perennial values of Vastu Vidya

17 March 2018 12:08 am


He has made the age old discipline, an efficient instrument to explore structural proceedings


Dewanarayana has experimented with those ‘mystical auras’ in which man and woman – inhabiting 
a household- lead their lives


Dewanarayana, is quite certain that, through a well thought out territorial adjustments, that kind of adverse fate could be got rid of


When an exceptional individual appears among us, our foremost duty is to give him recognition. Adequate appreciation of his rare talents and his sense of mission, will have to be offered to such a person of distinction.   

Quintin Dewanarayana is without any doubt, one such elitist genius, who has decided to follow a path of exploration, in a region, that may daunt many an academic and scholar because the field of his selection is highly challenging and calls for unflinching dedication and unwavering concentration.

He assiduously focused on the science of land, terrestrial characteristics, the structuring of buildings, both for private and mass use, and above all the mystique aura, that surrounds the habits and habitations of humans. His profound theme he opted to dwell upon, with the austere discipline of ancient ‘Shishyas’ (students) possesses a far-reading tradition, that extends to the dim past of human civilization-even those mystical eras of the holy texts of the Vedas.   


He assiduously focused on the science of land, terrestrial characteristics, the structuring of buildings, both for private and mass use, and above all the mystique aura, that surrounds the habits and habitations of humans


This discipline, bearing the age-old name Vastu Vidya originated with those ancient sages (Rishis), in whose mind the past, the present and the future are strongly fused together of the lay mind attempted to interpret. This field of study merely as Architecture alone, that will not at all be adequate with due deference to the esteemed science of sophisticated Architecture, one can quite clearly see, the arenas which Vastu Vidya can make its entity. Dewanarayana, quite clearly upholds the perennial values of Architecture as a science dealing with, the central issues of structuring.   

In his approach to the mystique of Vastu Vidya, he has made the age old discipline, an efficient instrument to explore structural proceedings as they affect us in the most mysterious manner.   
Adjustments of domestic structures, probing into ‘The mystical’, that influences them, could imply a healthier and happier domestic life.   

Dewanarayana has experimented with those ‘mystical auras’ in which man and woman – inhabiting a household- lead their lives.   

He has pragmatically established that the methodical and expert correction of some imbalances within human habitations will invariably yield, surprisingly pleasant outcomes.   

He possesses some views, that may startle many, because of their unexpectedness.  Dewanarayana, firmly believes, that even whole lands, kingdoms and domains, could alter their destinies, through a deep probing of the influences, that they are subject to, without anyone being aware of those.   

Some countries on earth, seem perpetually, victimized either by vicious natural elements or dissensions   
Dewanarayana, is quite certain that, through a well thought out territorial adjustments, that kind of adverse fate could be got rid of.   

I have an admiration for Dewanarayana for the unshakable assurance with which he pursues, this modern Vastu Vidya concepts and principles.   

His dream is to see the domestic unit rise above being a mere shelter for a few human persons. But with the right awareness and properly guided attitudes, people can transform even the most modern shelter into a divinely inspired home.

Dewanarayana earns my blessings, for his unswerving aim, to make a mere shelter a divine abode.   
May all his wishes come true with the blessings of the ‘Triple Gem!