He is not here; He is risen from the dead

30 March 2018 12:00 am

In an Easter message the Sri Lanka Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SLCBC) said yesterday the words of two heavenly messengers resound in our ears, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen.” (Luke 24: 5) 

“The joyful season of Easter invites us to deepen our knowledge of Jesus  and to be renewed in the awareness that the Risen Saviour is alive in  our midst,” the SLCBC said.

“At Easter we bring the Liturgical Year to its climax proclaiming Jesus of Nazareth as the Risen Lord and Saviour. We let the words of the two heavenly messengers resound in our ears, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen.” (Luke 24: 5). We rejoice that the Lord Jesus by His Resurrection conquered sin and death and gave a new hope for us to live on and to share in His own Resurrection. Easter invites us to die to sin and selfishness and begin a new life in Christ.  

“At Easter we also thank God for the gift of our faith in the Person of Jesus, the Christ. God has bestowed upon us this unique gift of our faith in God’s only begotten Son to experience His loving mercy towards us. In return we too are called to radiate God’s Love and Mercy to others in our day to day life.  

“The joyful season of Easter invites us to deepen our knowledge of Jesus and to be renewed in the awareness that the Risen Saviour is alive in our midst. Our faith in the Risen Saviour gives us comfort as He journeys and accompanies us (Cf. Luke 24:13-32) amid the uncertainties, trials and challenges life consists of. Easter reminds us that Christ does not abandon His flock and that He is always with us. This becomes the root cause of Christian joy.  

Our special concern should be directed to children who are impoverished and exposed to drugs and other social evils

“The Risen Saviour appeared to His disciples and granted them His gift of peace. Let us invoke the same gift of peace as we strive to foster peace through reconciliation in our country. We cannot forget that true peace is a result of justice. It is the responsibility of those who govern our country to establish a true democratic framework where all citizens irrespective of their caste, creed or colour are able to live in dignity and freedom.  

“We as a nation are living in the midst of socio-political uncertainties. Peoples needs have to be addressed with more understanding and sensitivity. We see the poor struggling and crying out asking for the basic requirements in life. There is also an ever widening gap between the rich and the poor in our Motherland. Amidst the sky rocketing prices of consumer items, day-to-day life is being made more and more burdensome to the poor.  

Our Christian discipleship always invites us to care for those in need. It is our duty to recognize the face of Jesus in those who suffer. Our special concern should be directed to children who are impoverished as they are exposed to drugs and other social evils. May they recognize in and through us the joy and the beauty of believing in Jesus and of becoming His disciples. May we become the agents of the Peace and Reconciliation that the Risen Saviour communicated to 
His disciples.  

“We wish all our faithful and our readers the Joy and the Peace of the Risen Saviour.”