AGMs of SLCS and SLBA Developing stronger bonds of friendship among countries

13 July 2019 12:00 am

The Annual General Meeting of Sri Lanka China Society (SLCS) and the AGM of Sri Lanka Belgium Association (SLBA) will be held on 03rd August 2019 at No. 50B in Sarana Mawatha Rajagiriya. The two Annual General Meetings will commence at 10.00 a.m. at the Amaradasa Gunawardana Auditorium. All members of the China Society and Belgium Association are kindly invited, states the president of the associations Amaradasa Gunawardene.

He further states that the Chinese government in Beijing and each embassy of the People’s Republic of China all over the world took a keen interest in developing friendship with foreign countries. The government organization named Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) was where seeds of friendship were sown. Each such provincial association was encouraged to have diplomatic close connection with neighbouring countries.   

Presently there are five friendship organizations related to the Chinese Embassy in Colombo. Sri Lanka China Society was established in October 1981. Ever since we have been in close association with CPAFFC. As many as 14 friendship delegations were invited by CPAFFC from our association. We have invited and received a large number of delegations from China. They in the CPAFFC are good friends of ours and we in SLCS are always recognized by the CPAFFC whenever and wherever a necessity arises. Encouragements and friendliness displayed by the Chinese Embassy in Colombo keep all of us so close to China.   

To extend our hands of friendship we have signed MoUs (Memorandum of Understanding) with several provincial friendship organizations. The Guangdong People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (GPAFFC) is one of them. They in Guangdong have been extremely considerate towards our association. In the middle of last year they gifted 300 volleyballs and nets for distribution among our local young volleyball players. It was extremely appreciated by our members. In the previous year of 2018, we received an extremely attractive donation from Nanjing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (NPAFFC).  

It was a gift of Rs. 1.2 million for distribution among deserving blind students who continue higher education. This was channeled to our blind students in Sri Lanka by an organization named “Amity Foundation”. This heap of money was given away to 55 selected blind students on 15 October 2018 on the White Cane Day of 2018. It is extremely encouraging to receive another donation from Amity Foundation for distribution among 65 blind students pursuing education all over the country. Sri Lanka China Society and Sri Lanka Council for the Blind have requested the 13 residential schools for the blind to recommend the application from blind students.