3D printed mask to fight COVID-19

3 June 2020 03:45 am

The mask that I developed is capable of filtering the virus 99%. In addition, I use Nanotechnology which acts in avoiding the virus

With the help of Nanotechnology and ultraviolet laser light, the 3D printed Mask- that can kill viruses including Covid-19- has been developed by second-year student Naveen Malinga Liyanage who is attached to the Network Technology of NSBM Green University, Homagama.
The current COVID-19 pandemic, which has become a catastrophe, is spreading all over the world. Hence the inventor’s attention was especially focused on the safety of doctors. 

With regards to the mask, Liyanage commented as follows: “The doctors doing surgery are using normal masks, which cannot kill the virus. There is a good chance of the virus sticking on the surface of the mask when in contact with the patients. After we remove the mask the virus would be able to be present on our hands.
“The N95 Mask is recommended for usage because it has the possibility of filtering the virus 95%. But the mask that I developed is capable of filtering the virus 99%. In addition, I use Nanotechnology which acts in avoiding the virus because there is resistance; just like water cannot exists on the lotus leave. Somehow, as a virus penetrates through the filter, The UV laser light starts killing the virus trigger behind the filter, refreshing it every 5 seconds and allowing us to breathe fresh oxygen.


"This mask is only for doctors. The filter in it, should be changed once in three months. I spent 6000 rupees in making this mask which was produced using 3D print technology"

“UV rays have a bad effect on the human body. There are several varieties of UV rays like, UVA, UVB and UVC which contain a habitable nanometer zone; which I have used to the mask. This mask is only for soctors. The filter in it, should be changed once in three months. I spent 6000 rupees in making this mask which was produced using 3D print technology.

“Although I have already applied for the patent, it is still pending. I inquired several times from the officers about the patent, but they told me various things. I don’t know what has happened to it. I would request President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to help me develop this mask after considering the technology used in it.’’ he said.