Myth Buster

8 September 2017 02:33 pm

Myth: Green tea can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle  

Busted: “The menstrual cycle is mainly dependant on the hypothalamus pituitary axis and the ovarian axis. So green tea doesn’t really have an effect on the menstruation. I don’t think there are any links between the two. Food and drinks don’t really affect the menstruation. In the sense if a woman is putting on weight due to a fatty diet, then the obesity is the factor that can affect the menstrual cycle. An irregular menstrual cycle can be caused by an obese patient taking a high calorie diet, with more fat and sugar. In addition to this there is a risk of proliferation of the lining of the womb which can lead to irregular menstruation and later on cancer,” said Dr. U.D.P Rathnasiri, Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist, Castle Street Hospital.