The Brash Braggatha

11 February 2022 08:56 am

In her beautifully manicured garden, Trixie and I had tea last week for the first time this year. 
Visiting with Trixie is always a treat since she has the most fabulous stories to relate, most of which are factual. Trixie was just completing a call with an annoyed look on her face, when I walked in. Seeing her expression, I knew I was in for a delightful story.

The call had been from her annoying neighbour, Braggatha Dodawanage, a garrulous plump woman who only talks of her wealth every chance she gets. Braggatha had called Trixie to let her know of a charitable deed she had just done in memory of some dead person and was bragging about the cost and trouble she had gone through.  She had then gone on to talk about her plans for building another holiday home in some remote area where she owned a piece of land. 

Listening to such unending talk about Braggatha’s wealth, purchases and charitable deeds makes Trixie shudder, especially when she knows that Braggatha’s contributions to charity are miniscule.  Braggatha, however, likes all and sundry to know of her virtuous deeds thinking that people will be impressed. 

Talking of her grandiose family, most of which are made up fairy tales, is another of Braggatha’s traits. Little does Braggatha know that the entire town is laughing at her discussing her brashness and vulgarity.   Braggatha also loves to entertain.  When she does, she pulls out whatever junk she has, boasting that they are family heirlooms, despite many knowing that she has purchased the items from auction houses and from those selling off their silver. The food she pops on her table is another story, says Trixie.  Laid out in fancy dishes, the food is mostly disgusting, tasteless rubbish.  The conversation, of course, is she talking about her wealth and continuously bragging about everything. Wiser people are now beginning to dodge her invitations.  Yet, the wannabe socialites who are delighted to eat some disgusting food and waste a night love to hang out with Braggatha. 

Most wish that Braggatha would conduct her charitable deeds on the quiet.  What she does not realise is that her bragging is mostly ignored and that many snigger behind her back and happily gossip about how uncensored she is. 

A certain sector in Colombo is obsessed about money and enjoy bragging about their wealth.  In reality though most are uninterested in knowing another’s financial worth.