Raigam Tele’es Nation’s Tele Awards

21 March 2023 12:51 am

Raigam Group Industries   which founded the Raigam Tele’es festival boasts of 18 years of successfully  conducting this festival maintaining its quality. 

All creative productions that are submitted for the festival are judged by a group of professionals in the field of Art and Culture.  This festival held annually consists of  two main events, namely ; the Nomination Evening and the Final awards night, which presents seven  awards for the most outstanding creation. In order to facilitate the casting of preference votes for the popular awards, and to provide news updates a special Mobile App identified as Raigam Tele’es will be launched. Following in the style of world famous Oscar awards, at the final event where the nominations are announced, the names of the  Nominated  will be announced before. This time in addition to the perks offered to the Nominated, the award winners at the Raigam Tele’es Festival  are to receive cash prizes exceeding Rs 3 million. The nominations were announced on 24th February at 06.30 PM  at the Water’s Edge Hotel in Battaramulla.
Sampath Bank has been the Co-sponsors of the event for the past 12 years with the main sponsor being SLT Mobitel.

The awards ceremony will be held at the Shangri La on the 25th of March.