Great Expectations

15 July 2022 10:28 am

July 9, 2022, was a day of victory.  The nation was agog with all the happenings. Looking at the many clips of how the protestors managed to take over President’s House, Temple Trees and the Presidential Secretariat was exciting. Camera crews as well as photographers have done justice to the victory of this battle. Thankfully, due to modern technology there certainly is a load of extraordinary footage of all the happenings.  

Until the President resigns, the protesters will camp out in all the properties they have taken over is what has been stated. Most interesting was how people managed to get to Colombo on the ninth despite the short supply of fuel and reduced public transport.  Kudos to all of them.  This proved that if there is a will there is a way.   
In the meantime fashionable Colombo was full of oohs and aahs over many things. The supermarkets were cleared out to hoard in their houses, whilst the good Samaritan bought stuff to take across to the thirsty and hungry protestors.

Overheard at a dinner, Bragatha was relating how she had allocated a stretch of her lawn to the domestics at home to grow some vegetables. The sole purpose of this vegetable patch was to feed the domestic aides at home, she stated, as it was far too expensive to buy vegetables for them from the supermarket or the vegetable stalls.  She thought it was a brilliant idea on her part, since the domestic will have to feed themselves with their garden produce, whilst she and her family could enjoy the broccoli and cauliflower etc., she buys when on her shopping/marketing expedition. There are many of these Bragathas circling like vultures in Colombo. Such is life.
Nevertheless, it takes all sorts to make the world and money must circulate. We all hope our country will take a 180 degree turn and be a better place for all of us to live in.