Art From The Heart Artist Sumali Piyatissa exhibits at Art Innsbruck 2020

7 February 2020 12:10 am

1 Can you tell us about the art fair in Austria and how successful was it?

2 How were you chosen to exhibit in Austria?

3 Can you tell us how you first got involved in art?

4 When was your first exhibition?

5 What inspires you to paint?
6 Where have you exhibited internationally?
7 Who are the artists that inspire you?
8 What does art mean to you?
9 What are your future plans?
10 What is your advice to other artists who are up and coming in the field?

Waves of joy


By Kiana

Abstract artist Sumali, exhibited her paintings in collaboration with Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid at the international contemporary art fair “Art Innsbruck 2020” organised from 15th to 19th of January in Innsbruck, Austria. The art fair has the slogan “Art of the centuries for lovers and collectors” and has been held for 24 years, with a very exclusive selection of international exhibitors. Sumali exhibited her finest collection of oil paintings along with many other talented artists from around the world. Her work depicts her passion for painting through bold brush strokes, confident use of colour and texture. Each of her paintings tell a different story and represent freedom, joy and positivity. She has exhibited in solo shows and recent fairs include Roy’s Art Fair – London. Piyatissa is currently working on diverse projects and sells her art on international platforms.


My all-time favourite is Van Gogh. There’s something about his art that inspire me. I also like the work of Monet and his style of work and Klimt and his use of colour. There are many more talented artists that I follow online for inspiration as well. There’s so much of talent out there and so much that you can learn


1 It’s an international contemporary art fair “Art Innsbruck 2020”which was held mid-January in Innsbruck, Austria. The art fair has the slogan “Art of the centuries for lovers and collectors” and has been held for 24 years. I had the opportunity to collaborate with a gallery in Madrid, Spain who selected a few of my paintings to display along with many other talented artists from around the world.
The fair was a success and gave me a lot of exposure and I was able to work with many other artists and the gallery curator who was such a great help in the artwork selection. This also helped me in understanding more about the European art world and the many opportunities that lie ahead. 
2 I took part in Roy’s Art fair last year in London and through that many opportunities opened up. This was one, where I was approached by a gallery in Madrid with whom I signed up a collaboration with. Through them my paintings were exhibited at the fair in Innsbruck. 
3 I have been painting from a very 
young age and I’ve always had a passion for art, and it has also been my father’s dream to see me grow as an artist. Which is the reason I sign my paintings as “Buki” the nickname given to me by him. 
However, studies took over and I came back to pursuing art in my mid-twenties. From there on, I started off by learning the oil painting technique and the journey took over. 
Along the shores
4 My first solo exhibition was in February 2015 which was called “Genèse” which means the beginning and it truly was a beginning of an amazing journey.
5 Travel plays a big part for my inspiration and also my surroundings, colour, people I interact with and whatever that captures my eye. It maybe just gazing into the sky and its moods of colour, the formation of clouds, an interior, different textures and many more.  I love playing with colour and the way it blends always intrigue me. I try my best to represent freedom, joy and positivity through all of my artwork. 
6 Last year October, I exhibited at the Roy’s art fair in London. That was my first international fair. 
7 My all-time favourite is Van Gogh. There’s something about his art that inspires me. I also like the work of Monet and his style of work and Klimt and his use of colour. There are many more talented artists that I follow online for inspiration as well. There’s so much of talent out there and so much that you can learn. 
8 That’s a very interesting question. 
Art means everything to me, it defines me!
Art is a way of expressing oneself and it tells its own story. I believe art speaks to people in different ways. The way a painting speaks to me would not be the same way it speaks to you. Art, simply is a way of communication of ideas and emotions. 
9 There are lots of things in the pipeline for me. As for this year, I’m hoping of exhibiting at another fair in London towards the end of 2020 and also having another solo show by mid this year. 
Connected - oil on canvas
10 Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t give up. Stay focused and never lose hope. People have many opinions; you need to know what advice to take and move forward. Explore! Creativity is all about exploring. Learn new skills and move out of your comfort zone. The paintings I created when I started was not the paintings that I’m creating now. I have seen myself grow as an artist, in skill and technique and it’s all cos of trying and never giving up. I may still not be there, but I know I will get there! Also, having the right people around you helps a great deal.
All of Sumali’s artwork could be viewed on 
and Instagram -@bukicreations