Yogas conferring wealth and prosperity

7 August 2020 12:00 am


Great Indian sages Gargi and Varahamihira have said that benefics placed in the 1st, 2nd, and the 11th Houses confer wealth without the native making an effort to acquire it. 

Although the Janma Lagna is important, the positions of planets from the Chandra Lagna too should be considered for making predictions relating to wealth and prosperity.

The classical astrological work, Phaladeepika,says one’s prosperity and wealth would increase during the Dasas of a strong Lagnadhipati. 

When the Lagna or the Moon becomes Vargottama and is aspected by four or more planets, twenty-two Rajayogas arise and the native would attain status equal to that of a king.


Importance of Bhagyasthana
The 9th house or the Bhagyasthana or Purvapunyasthana confers wealth and prosperity if it is strong and well disposed.  A strong relationship, a conjunction or an exchange of lords of the 9th and the 10th Houses is considered very favourable for career and wealth.

A strong Lagnadhipati with a strong 9th lord gives immense wealth. 

Possessing wealth and enjoying wealth are two different things.  One would enjoy wealth only when the Lagnadhipati and the Lagna are strong. 

The Lagna or the Ascendant is considered strong when benefics occupy or aspect it when it is occupied by its lord. 

The 2nd, 11th and 9th Houses denote the level of wealth the native possesses.  The 5th and the 9th are Houses of Purvapunyasthana. The exchange or association of the 5th and the 10th lords or their association in a Kendra or a Trikona bestows high office in the state or state patronage leading to the acquisition of immense wealth. 

If the 2nd lord is exalted and is aspected by Jupiter, the native would possess considerable wealth.

If the lord of the birth is in the 2nd House and the 2nd lord is in the 11th with the Lagnadhipati, the native would come into the possession of hidden treasures. 
If the 11th lord is in exaltation in a Kendra or a Trine and Mercury is the 2ndlord, the native would be a wealthy businessman. 

If the 11th lord is conjunct with the 9th lord and is aspected by the 2nd and the 4th lords, the native would be very rich, but frugal in spending his wealth. 
One would become wealthy if Jupiter occupies the 2nd House as its lord or is with Mars. 

If Jupiter, Mercury and the Moon are in the 11th from the 11th (9th from the Lagna), the native would be endowed with wealth, grains, fortunes, diamonds, ornaments etc.