Read your fortune from the yogas formed on your palm – Part XV111

12 October 2018 12:13 pm

Human Hand – Trailblazer of Human Civilization


Unfavourable Yogas
Netranasha Yoga
:  A line originating from the Mount of Dragon’s Head is in contact with the Moon line.
Result: The person having this yoga has weak eyes and his/her vision is poor. 

Eminent palmists consider the following formations too as constituting Netranasha Yoga.

Andha Yoga
Description: There is a cross mark on the Sun line
Result: The person born with this formation goes blind.  
Following formations also are considered Andha Yoga producing combinations.

Sarpa-bhaya Yoga
Description: The mark of a chained Dragon’s Head line indicates the presence of this yoga
Result: A person having this formation is destined to suffer from a snake bite. If the chained line is strong, death would result from the bite.
Eminent palmists have identified the following formations also as constituting the Sarpa-bhaya Yoga

Grahana Yoga
Description: This yoga arises when the Dragon Head line firmly joins the Moon line.
Result:  The person having this yoga is always worried over some problem or the other and is never with a peaceful mind. He also suffers from an inferiority complex.

Chandala Yoga
Description: This yoga arises when the line of Jupiter meets with that of the Dragon’s Head.
Result: A person born with this formation is unlucky.  His IQ is very low. He has to put up a struggle to make a living.

Divaliya Yoga
Description:  If the Fate line is short and is broken and there is a mark of an island on the Health line, the native is considered subject to this yoga.
Result:  The person having this yoga is always beset with economic difficulties and is finally reduced to the status of 
a pauper.