Prognosticating Diabetes Mellitus

24 October 2020 12:00 am


Diabetes Mellitus is the most common disease after heart disease in the world. This is nowadays widely referred to as a lifestyle disease, because the general life style in the modern world affected by stress and strain, unhealthy food habits and environmental pollution has made people become increasingly vulnerable to disease – Diabetes Mellitus and heart disease in particular.  

Diabetes is classified into two clinical types:
1. Primary Diabetes with two clinical types namely:
Insulin-dependent Diabetes which normally afflicts young people below 50 years
Non-insulin dependent Diabetes mainly affecting the middle-aged and the elderly
2. Secondary Diabetes results from a recognisable pathological process or as an indirect result of treatment of some other condition. Pancreatic Diabetes occurring due to a diseased pancreas can be cited as an example, say medical specialists. 

Diabetes Mellitus usually results from the disorder of insufficient production of or of reduced sensitivity to INSULIN.  Insulin synthesized in the in the ISLETS of Langerhans is necessary to metabolise Glucose. In Diabetes blood sugar levels increase and the excess sugar is excreted in the urine. Symptoms of the disease are increased urine output, thirst, weight loss and general physical weakness.  Complications resulting from untreated Diabetes are heart disease, kidney disease, defective vision or even blindness and nerve disorders especially in legs and feet. 


Factors causing Diabetes
The parts of the body involved in this disease are liver, pancreas and bowels which are governed by Jupiter and the Sun respectively.  Sugar is ruled by Venus and sweet water elements by the Moon. Virgo sign and the 6th House denotes the part of the body which is the seat of the disease.  Diabetes being associated sugar; Venus becomes a strong Karaka for the disease. Afflicted Venus and Jupiter or Moon and Jupiter associated with the afflicted Virgo sign, the 6th House, the 6th lord and the Sun, therefore could cause the disease. 

The pancreas is situated in the abdomen – a part of the human anatomy represented by the 5th House. Therefore, an afflicted 5th House in the Natal Chart accounts for most Diabetes cases. 

We wish to present to readers the following planetary combinations causing Diabetes mellitus in addition to those we gave in the previous article.   

1. Venus in a watery sign or conjunct with the lord of a watery sign posited in the 7th or the 8th House associated with a malefic by aspect or combination.
2. An afflicted Venus placed between two malefics or in the 6th or the 12th House.
3. The 6th House or its lord under malefic influence in a watery sign or between malefics.
4.  An afflicted Venus in a Dusthana (6th, 8th or the 12th) or in the Ascendant.