Medical Astrology Prognosticating disease

8 March 2019 03:39 pm

Astro 84


In our previous article we familiarized the readers with, among other things, the body parts ruled by the 12 Houses and internal organs governed by the Zodiacal signs.

Indian Jyotish Guru Dr. B.V. Raman says that configurations of planets in the Zodiac when in certain angular positions generate certain forces of energies which if not in harmony with the energies of an individual could cause him physical and mental aberrations. Remedies discovered by the ancients to avert the evil influences of planets had led to the eventual founding of the science of medicine.  

Planets govern the body parts and are responsible for causing specific diseases. And this information is vital for prognosticating disease. 

The body parts governed by planets and the specific diseases which they cause are given in the following table.

The House of diseases is the 6th House. The planet in the 6th House afflict the part of the body governed by the sign and the diseases would be those that are signified by its rulers. 

The position of the Sun provides the clue to the general build up and the strength of the physique and the mental peculiarities should ascertain by reference to the Moon.

The Sun in the 6th House aspected by Saturn indicates the loss of vitality due to resorting to unnatural means to gratify the biological urge. 

Malefics in the 6th House with no beneficial aspects cause chronic illness. 

Abdominal diseases like appendicitis are caused by the Sun and the Moon when transiting the Virgo sign. 
( To be continued)