Balarishta Yogas causing the death of newborns

11 May 2018 02:19 pm


By A.S. Fernando
There is no greater asset to us than our children. They are our greatest source of joy, comfort and happiness. The love of a parent for his/her offspring is boundless. We work and live for our children and in fact, it is the children who make our life worth living.

As soon as a child is born, the father would rush to an astrologer seeking to know what the future holds in store for it.

The first thing that an astrologer looks for in an Natal Chart of a newborn is the Ayurdaya factor – whether the newborn is destined to live long or is afflicted by a Balarishta or death during childhood. Balarishta in Astrological parlance means planetary combinations causing the death of a child before it is eight years of age.

Celebrated Indian astrologer Varahamihara has discussed in detail in Chapter VI of his great classical work Brihat Jataka the important rules relating to Balarishta.


Let us examine the vital rules referred to in Varahamihira’s Brihat Jataka.