Astrological principles for judging Childlessness 5th House is a vital determinant

30 November 2018 02:52 pm

Asrto  70

Part 2 


Assessment of Putrasthana or 5th Bhava to ascertain factors indicating the prospects of getting progeny, sex or traits of children or the number of children to be born, requires the interpretation of the position of Jupiter in relation to other planets in the Rashi and Bhava Charts as the first step.


Houses relevant to making judgment
Next in the order of importance comes the 5th House falling in the Charts based on the Chandra Lagna (Moon sign) and the Surya Lagna (Sun-sign).

Apart from the 5th House, the 1st House and the 9th House too play an important role in the assessment of the strength of the Putrasthana because the 1st House represents ‘self’, and the 9th House, the ‘fortune’.

Fortune represents happiness from children apart from other positive factors like high status, fame, authority and wealth. The 1st House and the 5th House represent the bond between the progenitor and the   offspring.


Childlessness marks a break with paternal lineage
Childlessness signifies the break with the paternal lineage. It also signifies the extinction of the family or Kutumbha which the 2nd House represents. Progeny involves the 11th Labha Sthana, the 5th from the 7th Bhava.

The strengths of the Ascendant and the planets in the Saptamsa Chart specific to progeny too are relevant to assessing the Putrasthana. 
Ketu is a planet opposed to worldly happiness which means happiness from children as well. His presence in the 5th House or with Jupiter or the lord of the 5th can cause childlessness.


Other factors
The mere affliction of Jupiter, the occupant of the 5th House or the lord of the 5th alone may not cause childlessness. Therefore, following detrimental factors too should be considered in determining whether one would be denied the blessing of having children.

Evil planets in the 5th House except when they are swakshetra or exalted, kill all children unless it is aspected by Jupiter or Venus. Mars will kill only the firstborn if he has the aspect of Jupiter or Venus.