A total Lunar eclipse on January 31

26 January 2018 12:16 pm

A total Lunar eclipse will begin in Aslisa constellation in Cancer Rashi at 16.21 hours (Colombo time) on January 31 which being under the horizon will not be immediately visible. The partial eclipse will occur at 17.18 hours which too will not be visible.  However, the rest of the eclipse from the time of its total eclipse due at 18.21 hours will become visible.

A Solar eclipse always comes about two weeks before or after a Lunar eclipse.  In this instance, a partial Solar eclipse will occur on February 16.

According to ancient Indian rishis, no auspicious event in life should  be timed for the day of the eclipse and also for the three days before and after its occurrence. Further, no auspicious event in life should be held in the Rashi (Zodiacal sign) and the constellation in which an eclipse occurs on the day of the eclipse and during the 7 days before and after its occurrence.