FITIS initiates ICT open forum to resolve industry issues

25 January 2016 03:12 am

A key ICT industry open forum to take up for discussion and evolve solutions to the common problems confronting the information and communication technology (ICT) industry in Sri Lanka will be held under the patronage of Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure Minister Harin Fernando at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), on January 29, at 3:00 p.m.

Telecommunication and Digital Infrastructure Minister, ICT Agency of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Customs, Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Consumer Affairs Authority, Finance Ministry, Inland Revenue Department and Defence Ministry are scheduled to participate in this parley organised by the Federation of Information Technology Industry Sri Lanka (FITIS). 

Expressing his views on the forthcoming conference, FITIS President Chinthaka Wijewickrama said, “With a strategic goal in place, Sri Lanka is optimistic of achieving US $ 5 billion worth of IT exports by the year 2022. Similarly, we are confident of creating 250,000 plus viable employment opportunities in the IT sector. In addition, the industry is also pushing ahead with plans to enhance computer literacy to 100 percent.

We can certainly achieve this national target. But, for this dire need to become a reality, it is imperative that all businessmen in the ICT industry stand united and work concertedly towards achieving this key objective. Similarly, a good rapport to build a continuing dialogue between the government and private sectors is equally vital to forge ahead to achieve tangible results in this regard.

It is through such unity and a process of consultations that we can identify common problems in this important sphere and resolve them by way of discussions. After this immediate target is reached, all industry players can put their heads together to map out a long-term policy framework for the development and progress of Sri Lanka’s ICT industry. 

As the first step in this effort, the ICT conference has been scheduled for the 29th. Members of FITIS as well as non-members within the industry can participate in this parley.”