Insights Advertising celebrates nine insightful years

22 September 2016 12:00 am


Nine insightful years - that’s the accomplishment of Insights Advertising, an integrated marketing and communications agency, that’s offering a fresh outlook in advertising which is creative led and down to grassroots level in strategy, philosophy and execution.  
Although Insights advertising commenced operations on the 17th of September 2007 with a handful of award winning creative personnel, today it has grown into a 20+ outfit with a fast expandingand unique client portfolio. Insights Advertising is staffed with predominantly creative personnel and therefore clients have the luxury to speak directly to the creative team regarding their marketing communication needs. The agency believes that this enables an accessible and informal platform where ideas flow freely between clients and agency.
The company’s corporate identity is very akin to a family atmosphere where each member is considered a part and parcel of the main entity and the informal bonding that takes place is the key to its success. Its strength is in these talented and experienced personnel. A team that’s led from the front by able, skilled and creative individuals; each imparting and contributing unique skills and motivation. 
Insights Advertising clients include industry giants such as the Cargills and Millers gamut of companies such as Kotmale Dairy Products, Magic Ice Cream, Kist Biscuits, Kist Nectar, Kist Jams and Sauces, Goldi, Sam’s and Finest Meat products, Bonlac Non Fat Milk Powder as well as the National Lotteries Board Vasana Sampatha and Super Fifty Lotteries, Siyapatha Finance which is a fully owned subsidiary of Sampath Bank Group, for which Insights produce creative and effective 360 degree marcom solutions.