sf weighing options

9 October 2014 06:46 am


By Yohan Perera and
Sanath Desmond

Democratic Party Leader Sarath Fonseka said yesterday he was considering whether to contest the presidential election expected to be held early next year but would weigh all available options before taking a decision.
He expressed these views at a media briefing where he revealed that Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe and others in the United National Party (UNP) had sought his support for a future elections.
Mr. Fonseka said there were three options -- fielding a DP candidate, supporting a common candidate or boycotting the election. He said his party was mulling the benefits that would accrue by supporting a common candidate. “The Party has already decided to carry out its own agenda as a third force and opposing the two main political parties and supporting a common candidate will affect this stance,” he said adding that a person fit to be a common candidate had not emerged yet.
Mr. Fonseka said the election would be illegal if the president contested a third time.
He said it was no use contesting an election where the results were manipulated by the ruling party using the Elections Commissioner and the officers at the counting centres.