SL war heroes subject to Universal Jurisdiction

21 March 2019 10:27 am

Former MP, Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara making his presentation during a side event at the UNHRC session in Geneva said conspiracy against Sri Lankan army is clear since they are denied Visa to foreign countries, peace keeping slots, just because they took part in the war. 

He said the UNHR High Commissioner subjects them to Universal Jurisdiction on bogus charges.  
 “Talking about racial discrimination, at present a number of Sri Lankan Sinhalese Army Generals, including the Chief of Staff Gen. Shavendra Silva are penalized for defeating the LTTE terrorists.  

These Generals were at the war front during the final battle. The High Commissioner has thought it fit to prosecute them under Universal Jurisdiction for alleged war crimes, based on Panel of Experts report, which was condemned by International war crime experts.  

She mentions about the absence of credible domestic process, which is far from truth, as there were three domestic commissions and none of them have found any of the Generals responsible for any crime.  

She expresses her concern at the appointment of Gen. Silva as Chief of Staff of the Army. He was appointed purely on merit by the President, which is completely an internal matter and the High Commissioner has no right to interfere as per the UN charter.