SC informs that Ravi K had given entire statement

22 November 2019 12:01 am


By Nimanthi Ranasinghe  

State Counsel Nadee Aparna Suwadurugoda yesterday informed Colombo Chief Magistrate Lanka Jayaratne that former minister Ravi Karunanayake had given the entire statement regarding the inquiry conducted in connection with giving false evidence at the Bond Commission on August 2, 2015.   

The case was taken up at the Chief Magistrate court yesterday.  

The State Counsel informed the magistrate that further inquiry into the case was being conducted based on statements given by all the parties and requested a date to report the progress of the inquiry.  

The CID was ordered to complete the inquiry soon and report to the courts and the case was postponed till February 20. 

BLURB - ***State Counsel informed the magistrate that further inquiry into the case  was being conducted based on statements given by all the parties