Person who forced his wife to indulge in prostitution arrested

9 September 2019 12:01 am


By Bimal Shyaman Jayasinghe   

Bandaragama Police said that a person who forced his wife to indulge in street prostitution for quick money for him to buy liquor was arrested. He had forced her to wear their daughter’s undergarments and sent her to be on the street in front of their house in an indecent posture for this purpose, according to the police. 

  Police said that the suspect had been arrested on the information given by a three wheeler driver. The suspect had been married to two women in the past. He had befriended this woman following a missed call on his mobile. They have two children. The police investigations revealed that this person assaulted his wife very often under the influence of liquor.The police had mediated their problems and instructed them to be together.  

He had also been in the habit of masquerading as a female prostitute by wearing underwear of his wife. Later, he had beaten his wife into submission and forced her to indulge in street prostitution to earn money for his drinking habit. The suspect, 38, is an electrician by profession.  

A team of police officers are carrying out investigations under the direction of the Bandaragama Police OIC Chief Inspector K.W. L.Wicremarathna.