National Question Solution via widest possible devolution

11 September 2019 12:10 am

y Sandun A Jayasekera

UNP Deputy Leader Sajith Premadasa said yesterday his stance on the national question was to find a solution through the widest possible power devolution in a unitary Sri Lanka and achieved with a social, political and economic empowerment of the people.   

“People who attended this exhibition asked me many questions on Tamil concerns. I am not in the habit of in one tongue when abroad and in another when in Sri Lanka. Some Sri Lankan leaders talked about 13+ while in India and 13- while in Sri Lanka. My stance is to resolve this issue with the widest possible power devolution in a unitary Sri Lanka,” he said.   
Addressing the media on the third day of the ‘Enterprise Sri Lanka’ exhibition at Muttravelly in Jaffna the minister said the soft loan scheme introduced under the Enterprise Sri Lanka programme with the guidance of Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera has brought much relief to low income families in the North.  


“This soft loan scheme has helped the small man to reach insurmountable peaks in his or her journey in life. The loan gives them necessary training and provides capital to launch self employment or small scale or domestic industries that would assist them to stand on their own feet. The target of the government under this programme is to produce one million entrepreneurs in the North and East alone,” the minister said. “If we are to achieve true reconciliation among all communities in this country, no citizen belonging to any race creed or caste must not get the feeling that he or she is subordinate or second to any one else. We achieve real reconciliation the day all Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burgers, Malays and any other national living in Sri Lanka thinks all of them are equals, enjoy equal rights and feel they are second to none.”   

He said a soothing sleep helps a ruler to arrive at a pragmatic decision but corrupt and murderous rulers cannot have a tranquil sleep. 

“I have no blood in my hands. I have never plundered public money. I have never engaged in corruption or murder. I have not attacked the media institutions or suppressed media personnel. I have no reason to live in fear before society or before God,” the minister said. “Those who are not familiar with democracy say there is internecine conflict within the UNP. But dialogue, consensus and compromise are a part and parcel of a democratic party. But there is no room for dissension, disagreement and dialogue in a political party led by a dictatorial ruler or a family.”  


This soft loan scheme has helped the small man to reach insurmountable peaks in his or her journey in life and provides capital to launch self employment industries